Recycling Makeup Empties

Whether it has expired or hit the pan, we always throw our makeup straight away without thinking twice. Have you ever considered recycling your makeup empties? Wait, what? Yup, you can recycle your empty makeup containers too!
Now, why is it so important to recycle your makeup? It’s just a small tube of mascara… Well, if you take account of the same mindset on tons of other people, imagine the amount of makeup at the landfills that take years and years to compose.
You might wonder, if you chuck your makeup empties into the recycling bin, or if your trash is the kind that gets sorted, then it shouldn’t be a problem right? It is if your makeup empties aren’t really empty.
TIL Alert: Makeup empties that aren’t 100% empty will not be recycled due to their remaining content and usually it won’t be emptied out unless you do it yourself before throwing it away at the recycling bins.
How to recycle makeup empties the correct way?
It’s super easy! All you need to do is scoop out your makeup product that you’re planning to throw and clean it up to ensure that it’s really empty, leaving no residues behind.
Other useful tips you should try in the future:
1. Get refillable makeup.
Not only are they economically friendly, but you also get to avoid throwing a lot of containers once they’re all used up.
2. Avoid buying makeup with unnecessarily extra packaging.
Nowadays, it’s easy to be tempted with makeup that has fancy packaging but it’ll only contribute to more waste in the long run. Not only that, but more often than not, these makeup products focus more on their novelty value so you don’t really get good use out of it.
3. Upcycle your makeup containers.
This is a fun way to reuse your empties and to give them a new life!
Upcycle Idea 1: You can use your empty lip balm tube to store bobby pins or hijab pins so you won’t lose them anymore. The best part, you can carry them in your purse without having to scavenge your entire handbag to find those little pins.
Upcycle Idea 2: You can use your empty makeup compact that comes with a mirror as, well.. a mirror! For those that come without, you can store hair ties and small accessories in them.
Upcycle Idea 3: Finally ran out of your holy grail setting spray? Don’t throw the spray bottle yet! You can use them to store water, face water, alcohol sanitisers and even cleaning products!
Upcycle Idea 4: Already used up your Long Lift Lashes mascara? Clean up the tube and recycle it but keep the mascara wand. You can upcycle the wand to comb through your lashes to avoid clumps and brush up your eyebrows.